From the winter serie

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Debra Plett

Very nice Yves, this looks like a great place to enjoy nature and the city life like you have expressed. It is great that you have that beautiful view and are so close the the Magog river trail.

Yves Langlois

Thanks Debra. For the last 10 years life gave me great and amazing tings. That's why I treat life the way I do.

Heather Mellon

A beautiful winter landscape. I especially like how the view along the river and the frost covered trees draw one's attention toward the area where you reside. It looks like you have a really nice mix of urban and rural with the beauty of nature surrounding it. Very nicely captured Yves.

Yves Langlois

Thanks Heather. The city was built at the point where the Magog river joint the St-Francis river so we have lots of beautyful nature. The city is just big enough to gives its citizen a modern life but little enough to gives calm and appreciated living.

I live somewere in these buildings. The railing at the right is part of a pedestrian trail that go around that section of the magog river in the heart of Sherbrooke.
Taken By
Yves Langlois
Taken On
March 7, 2024
winter river nature outdoors scenery ice weather person landscape snow water cloud sky azure plant natural_landscape lake tree bank
  • Focal: 12.66
  • Shutter speed: 0.001 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5

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