Great Shearwater

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Yves Langlois

I like very much that pose of the bird in flight. When to the Grand-Manan Island with the regular ferry. It has been quite a ride too.

Jane LeBlanc

Thanks, Yves.

Debra Plett

Awesome capture Jane under very difficult circumstances. Well done.

Jane LeBlanc

Thanks, Debra.

Clifford Dupuis

What a great shot of the more rare birds, very nice and oh the challenges a photographer has to endure

Jane LeBlanc

Clear skies mean choppy water, as I found out!! Thanks, Clifford.

A pelagic bird tour out to the middle of the Bay of Fundy off Grand Manan Island landed many folks on board with 'lifer' birds. I got several photos, in between spots of seasickness off the side.
Taken By
Jane LeBlanc
Taken On
August 11, 2023
bird pelagic shearwater animal flying beak seagull waterfowl nature outdoors sea water Water Bird Fluid Lake Beak Feather
  • Focal: 400
  • Shutter speed: 0.0005 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 7.1

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