a month ago
It is always so nice to see a family of ducks, especially if you frequent the area and watch them grow. Nice focusing through the foreground reeds Yves.
a month ago
Thank you so much Debra. Yes, the longuer you stay on a spot the more chance you have to pick a special moment.
a month ago
Thank you so much Heather. What a nice story that you tel me about a mother duck and grebes.. I cherish those special moments Mother Nature grant me once in a while.
a month ago
Really nice shot, Yves. It's an interesting image and story, and what a beautiful brood they are. It reminds me of when the adult horned grebes that nested on our dugout left their chicks behind and it never failed that a mother duck would take them under her wing together with the ducklings she already had to care for. I have a real soft spot for ducks because they seem to be one of the most sociable birds out there.