Seven Swans A Sleeping

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Clifford Dupuis

Nicely captured and surprised that they were so comfortable with you there. Nice to see them relaxed and enjoying the day

Heather Mellon

Thank you so much for your comment, Clifford, sorry for the delayed reply.. I forgot to check back. It was a huge surprise to me that they weren't paying any attention to me too, especially when I was only a few feet away from them. The fact that they were so trusting of me made this moment very memorable for me.

Debra Plett

A terrific image of the swan family resting prior to their journey south. I like how the water has so much texture and the swans look so pretty against the vivid blue colour. Sorry to hear that one cygnet did not make it.

Heather Mellon

Thank you, Debra. At first I was worried if they were okay or not but like you said, they were probably resting up for the journey ahead. I was so hoping all of the cygnets would make it and it looked pretty promising. When I returned a couple days after taking this photo to discover one was missing I could see that the rest of the family were impacted by the loss. And so was I.

Yves Langlois

Nice shot of the day to day life with the swan family. The spot with calm water were they stand makes a nice contrast with the rest.

Heather Mellon

Thank you, Yves. This was the shallow side of the marsh where they fed most of the time and built a little spot to rest on with the plants they pulled out of the water. I was hoping to see a little more action since I knew they'd be migrating soon but like you said, this is part of their day to day life too and I'm happy now that I got to photograph it.

The family of trumpeter swans I kept track of last summer were all fast asleep when I arrived on the scene. It was kind of an eerie sight to see at first but once it became apparent that they were all okay I went ahead and took some photos. They were not bothered by my presence and kept on sleeping. There were five cygnets in this family who were all thriving up until a week before they left the marsh in late October. One cygnet was taken by a predator, judging by the feathers I saw on the roadside nearby.
Taken By
Heather Mellon
Taken On
November 15, 2024
trumpeter swans sleeping on a warm sunny day animal bird seagull waterfowl land nature outdoors water flock plant lake natural_landscape beak bank ducks,_geese_and_swans
  • Focal: 270
  • Shutter speed: 0.002 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 8

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