Pelican – Take Off

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Scott Reeve

Wonderful action capture! The closet thing we have here in Toronto are the swans or Blue Herons and Geese when it comes to wings. Great action shot!

Clifford Dupuis

Thank you so much Scott, I got lucky as well as being in the right spot

Yves Langlois

I love that unusual pose of the bird. Having those big wings in that pose with detailed feathers make for a very intriguing shot. Sharp focus on a surprise shot means you have very good reflexes. Another perfect shot Clifford.

Clifford Dupuis

thank you so much Yves for these comments, they are most appreciated

Debra Plett

Wow very cool shot Clifford. He looks larger than life and having fun kicking up the water and creating that spray behind him. Great focus and composition, love how you captured this shot.

Clifford Dupuis

Thanks so much Debra, it was so exciting that I almost missed the shot as it was unexpected

Jane LeBlanc

Timing is everything!! You were at the right place at the right time, Clifford. You did an amazing job getting the photo. Well done.

Clifford Dupuis

Thank you for your comments and yes this was great timing. I had been watching three of them for awhile and was happy with my pics of them all sitting on the water feeding, but then for some reason this one decided to take flight and went right past me, I don't think he even knew I was there.

Heather Mellon

Excellent detail on his head, wings and feet here, you captured the power in his takeoff perfectly. A beautiful capture of this majestic looking bird Clifford.

Clifford Dupuis

Thank you Heather, I certainly was lucky and feeling when he flew right past me was amazing.

This Pelican shows the amazing ability these large waterfowl have in taking flight, as he passes by oblivious to me.
Taken By
Clifford Dupuis
Taken On
September 1, 2023
pelican waterfowl shorebirds pelecanus carseland_weir alberta nature outdoors pond water animal bird beak land plant lake natural_landscape ducks,_geese_and_swans
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