The Curious Duo

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Clifford Dupuis

Nice shot of this pair with great lighting. They look so content

Heather Mellon

Thanks Clifford. They meander through the yard every so often and I think they enjoy hanging out among the trees especially. I certainly enjoy seeing them too..

Yves Langlois

Wow! what a beautyful encounter you've got there. And you capture them in a perfect lighting. You also caught their face expression nicely. Bad news for you Heather. I guess they will be back soon for that yum,yum garden. Such is life.

Heather Mellon

Thank you so much Yves. I love the pose I caught them in, looking very curious and cute. I don't have much of a garden this year and it seems they're not too interested in what's there.. so far anyway :)

Heather Mellon

Thank you for your comment Debra. No damage to speak of, just a few tracks and they left shortly after so I was lucky to have spotted them when I did. They certainly are a nice looking pair and it was especially nice to be able to view them close up.

Debra Plett

Very handsome sun-kissed pair of deer dressed in velvet. Gorgeous composition Heather, hopefully your garden didn’t take to big of a hit.

Caught this curious pair of Mule Deer on the lookout for something tasty to nibble on in the garden. The fellow on the right didn't stay long but the other one wasn't so flighty and gave me a few more nice shots before heading back toward the garden.
Taken By
Heather Mellon
Taken On
July 25, 2023
mule deer bucks on the move animal mammal wildlife antelope elk field grassland nature outdoors Plant Deer Tree Water Fawn Natural_landscape Grass Grassland
  • Focal: 250
  • Shutter speed: 0.002 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5.6

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