Home on the Range

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Bernie Ewing

Very nice shot Harold - lovely colors and tones everywhere.

Debra Plett

Beautifully exposed Harold. Great colours and reflection. Very very nice.

Harold Fleming

Thanks, Debra! Luckily we're sitting at +2C now not -28C so it allows me to get out for a photo now and then. This sunset gave me some nice colour as it reached the horizon but fizzled out just below.

The sun is setting behind a mountain range at Masset Inlet off Port Clements, Haida Gwaii
Taken By
Harold Fleming
Taken On
January 29, 2021
sun setting sunset landscape masset inlet port clements haida gwaii nature outdoors sky sunrise
  • Focal: 17
  • Lens Model: EF16-35mm f/4L IS USM
  • Shutter speed: 30 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 11

Other Photos by Harold