Golden Eagle

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Imagine my surprise.... I was out taking photos of eagles. Once home and downloading, I realized I had managed to capture a Golden Eagle!!! Thrilling! The range map says that they breed in our area and apparently live here year round but this is only the second Golden Eagle I have ever seen here .... and I am always watching the skies!!
Taken By
Anne Spiers
Taken On
February 1, 2025
golden eagle immature flying bird raptor birds birdsofprey forest animal vulture buzzard hawk kite_bird accipitridae beak bird_of_prey vertebrate neck yellow accipitriformes wing
  • Focal: 600
  • Lens Model: 150.0-600.0 mm f/5.0-6.3
  • Shutter speed: 0.0005 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 6.3

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