Very nice composition and the softness of the pussy willows against the blue nicely brings all the attention to the butterfly. That looks like a thought shot to achieve.
Thanks Debra. Like so much those colorful shots. Not a thought shot. Not even a see through shot.
Hi Yves, I meant to type tough(difficult) instead of thought. I had wrist surgery last week and and having some difficulty typing at the moment.
Really unique to see a red admiral feeding on pussy willow blossoms. Very nice compo and so colorful against that blue sky. Great use of lighting too. Beautiful capture, Yves. I was sitting at the picnic table a few days ago when a mourning cloak settled down right beside me but of course I didn't have my camera with me.
Thank you for the appreciated comments Heather. I too have few of those beautyful shots never taken. What about a first encounter but not able to take a good shot at it.
Great job, Yves. You don't often see butterflies in trees. Love the colours and composition.
Thank you Jane. It's true that I usualy compose butterflies with flower. Glad Mother Nature offers me that opportunity.