Some colourful duck

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Clifford Dupuis

Beautiful shot Yves. Great colours on this portrait and the sparkle in his eye is the crowning touch

Yves Langlois

Thanks Clifford. Quite proud of those colours.

Debra Plett

Everything about that shot is stunning. I think he knows he is a catch. I love the wave rolling up to him as well. great shot.

Yves Langlois

Thank you Debra. Appreciate very much your nice comments. I gave myself a gold medal for having done that shot correctly and a big hug to Mother Nature that presented me the opportunity. It is a wall of fame shot.

Jane LeBlanc

Great job, Yves. Love the colours. Mallards are so common we sometimes overlook them.

Yves Langlois

Thank you very much Jane

Heather Mellon

He really shines against the vivid blue tones of the water. These ducks have some of the most beautiful markings and you captured that perfectly here, Yves. Very nice composition and detail too.

Yves Langlois

Thank you Heather. They do are very good subject to photograph.

Conditions of shooting were so good that this is my most colourful mallard ever. (This shot is the original as shot, no light correction is made).
Taken By
Yves Langlois
Taken On
March 14, 2024
mallard colorful teal animal bird duck waterfowl water beak fluid body_of_water lake ducks,_geese_and_swans
  • Focal: 118
  • Shutter speed: 0.004 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 6.4

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