Autumn Down the Tracks

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Jane LeBlanc

Great job, Clifford. Makes me want autumn to last forever. We've had our first snowfall here in New Brunswick, too.

Clifford Dupuis

thanks so much Jane, glad you like it and now for snow!

Yves Langlois

A classic perfectly done (as usual) Clifford. Awesome vanishing point produce by the tracks but also by the forest (very good). Strong fall colours. Have you noticed it matches the colour of the railroad beams.

Clifford Dupuis

Thanks Yves for you awesome comments and detail. The selection of colours on this fine morning and all the elements you mention are what drew me to make the photograph.

Heather Mellon

Very nice composition in this beautiful view Clifford. I like how the rails disappear at the bend on the horizon, it has me wanting to take a train ride again.

Clifford Dupuis

Thank you for your kind comments Heather and yes any train rise never disappoints

Debra Plett

Beautiful scenery and nicely composed Clifford. I can just imagine how different it looks now with all the snow.

Clifford Dupuis

Thanks so much Debra glad you like it, and yes it is much different now with some snow.

Autumn Down the Tracks – I was able to capture this fall scene just prior to the first snowfall of the season.
Taken By
Clifford Dupuis
Taken On
October 31, 2023
autumn fall trees tracks alberta leaves prairie nature outdoors scenery railway transportation sky plant track road_surface tree wood branch natural_landscape mode_of_transport
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