Cedar Waxwing On The Hunt

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Yves Langlois

Gorgeous shot at the waxwing Heather. Very well done I love the perfect framing, the colors and the sharp focus on the bird ( but not the pesty Gena Henz machin chose ). Oups! Sory, my bad temper goes wild again

Heather Mellon

Thank you for your comment Yves. He gave me some great poses to work with. I really didn't expect to get a nice shot with the foliage and wind working against me, but lucked out on this one.

Gena Hentz

I love those birds. Beautifully captured. What an amazing shot. https://www.americajackets.com/category/barbie-outfits/

Debra Plett

Wow, beautiful image Heather. Vivid colours, and perfect focus on the proud waxwing, I love those birds. Nicely composed and captured.

Heather Mellon

Thank you so much Debra. They're one of my favorite birds too. They come in flocks around here for the berries and once you spot them they're pretty easy to photograph.

Gena Hentz


A stately looking Cedar Waxwing strikes just the right pose while on the hunt for insects. Although they're best known for being berry eaters they also consume a wide variety of insects but will also eat flowers, oozing tree sap and ants. They're very social birds who travel in flocks and needless to say are very photogenic.
Taken By
Heather Mellon
Taken On
July 25, 2023
cedar waxwing animal bird finch bee_eater jay Sky Bird Beak Branch Twig Feather
  • Focal: 350
  • Shutter speed: 0.002 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 6.3

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