Very beautiful image Heather. The pose and composition give me the feeling of gentleness and kindness. Great colour and reflection as well.
Thank you Debra. I agree and have often seen how smaller birds gravitate toward them. They wouldn't do that if they didn't feel safe and maybe protected in their presence too. Up close they come across as being very nice natured. And like most birds they are very gentle and considerate towards their young.
Good framing to appreciate the surrounding round waves and the nice reflection. Surprising how tiny the wings are (not fully grouwn). Great detail of the head and as usual, you caught a special expression on his face. Like he is giving you a friendly side looking. Beautyful shot.
Thank you Yves. They have a little more growing to do and in almost two months time they will need to be ready for the fall migration. I love that expression, they really are friendly looking and didn't seem to mind having an audience either.
This is a great shot, very sharp and with lots of detail. I like it showing off its environment as well. They definitely are awesome birds
Thank you Clifford. Seems like yesterday they were little fluff balls and now they're almost full grown. It was exciting to observe them so close-up. They're big eaters and they move through the plant life at a good pace.