Put a Smile On

1110 4


Jane LeBlanc

Well done, Harold!!

Heather Mellon

Very nice shot Harold. Looks like he didn't make it back to the nest the night before. It's great to see the facial features in such a well done close up.

Harold Fleming

You could be right about making it back to the nest, Heather. It does look a bit hungover.

Harold Fleming

I touched him once, Debra and he moved slightly. I was waiting for him to stretch but no luck.

Yves Langlois

Super macro shot Harold. You realy focus on those terrible jaws. Would not like to be a tiny worm. Your shot recalls me how short is the depth of field so close to the subject. Very well done.

Harold Fleming

They do have quite the jaw, Yves. That smile is very misleading on a wasp.

Debra Plett

Cool image Harold, the wasp does look like he needs his morning pick me up.

I caught this wasp as he was waking up in the morning.
Taken By
Harold Fleming
Taken On
September 12, 2021
wasp insect hornet andrena invertebrate bee animal apidae honey_bee
  • Focal: 100
  • Lens Model: EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM
  • Shutter speed: 0.0025 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 11

Other Photos by Harold