Lucky Break

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Debra Plett

Great shot Nick, glad he stood still long enough to get the picture.

For several years I have wanted to get a wild wolf in front of my lens. Honestly, I never expected it to happen any time soon. Luck never seems to be on my side when it comes to animals. I often find fresh tracks of wolves, cougars, etc, but never see the animal. That all changed while spending a morning in Banff with a friend. This wild, uncollared lone wolf wandered out onto the thin ice of vermillion lakes, paused for a minute or two and then vanished back into the bush after crossing the lake. After seeing a social media post of three radio-collared wolves crossing the same area less than a week ago, I hope it is a sign of a new pack re-establishing the area after the unfortunate demise of the pipestone wolfpack that has left a void in the area for several years.
Taken By
Nick Taffs
Taken On
March 31, 2019
grey wolf
  • Focal: 400
  • Lens Model: EF400mm f/5.6L USM
  • Shutter speed: 0.0025 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 6.3

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