In a Farmers Field

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Chris Anderberg

Awesome - Holy Moses :) That is beautiful. The story makes it amazing! Thank you for sharing :)

Brenda Santalucia

This is an amazing shot Brandon. The figure sitting on the hay adds a lovely focus.

Irina Kelly

Absolutely beautiful full Earth view!

Irina Kelly

Absolutely beautiful full Earth view!

Allen Woodliffe

That is a terrific shot, Brandon.....well worth getting up in the middle of the night for. Well done!

Adventure is something that runs right to the roots in my family. My parents, my grandparents and great grandparents were always looking for the new and unknown. My little sister has thankfully inherited that desire as well. She keeps me on my toes and is always up for an adventure. This night she woke me up at 2am to tell me that the northern lights were out. Because of my little sister's excitement, I got to experience an incredible display of colour in Canada's North.
Taken By
Brandon Born
Taken On
August 23, 2017
canada night travel explore northernlights green nature landscape
  • Shutter speed: 20 sec

Other Photos by Brandon