Famaga Famaga

Member since September 22, 2023
From:Alaska, CA

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Klaschka: 50 Years of Excellence in Automation Electronics

In the ever-evolving world of industrial automation, one name has consistently stood out for over five decades - Klaschka. With a rich history dating back to its inception, Klaschka has been at the forefront of designing and manufacturing electronic components and systems that have revolutionized the way industries and machines operate. In this article, we'll delve into the remarkable journey of Klaschka, its diverse product range, and its contributions to automation technology.

A Legacy of Innovation

Klaschka, formerly known as Klaschka GmbH & Co.KG, has been a trailblazer in the field of electronic components and automation systems since its establishment over 50 years ago. Headquartered in Neuenhaus, Germany, the company has consistently pushed the boundaries of innovation, shaping the automation industry as we know it today.

Diverse Product Portfolio

Klaschka's extensive product portfolio encompasses a wide array of electronic components tailored to meet the diverse needs of industries worldwide. These include:

  • Sensors: Klaschka's sensors are renowned for their precision and reliability. Whether it's for position sensing or error detection, these sensors play a pivotal role in ensuring the seamless operation of machines and processes.
  • Measurement Relays: The company's measurement relays provide accurate data that is crucial for quality control and regulation in various industrial settings.
  • Controllers: Klaschka's controllers are the brains behind many automated processes, offering logic programming that allows for efficient and customizable automation solutions.
  • Double Sheet Detectors: These detectors are indispensable in industries that rely on the precision of material thickness, ensuring that no errors occur during production.
  • Sheet Thickness Sensors: Klaschka's sheet thickness sensors are instrumental in maintaining product quality by monitoring the thickness of materials used in manufacturing processes.

Pioneering Achievements

Klaschka has a history of groundbreaking achievements that have left an indelible mark on the automation industry. Notably, the company developed and introduced the first inductive non-contact switch, a technological breakthrough that redefined automation and safety protocols across various sectors. Additionally, Klaschka was responsible for creating the first German-origin logic programmable controller, further solidifying its reputation as an industry innovator.

Global Impact

The impact of Klaschka's innovations extends far beyond Germany. The company's electronic components and systems are utilized worldwide in a myriad of industries, from automotive manufacturing to pharmaceuticals, contributing to enhanced efficiency, reliability, and precision in processes across the globe.


In the realm of automation electronics, Klaschka's legacy is one of continuous innovation and unwavering commitment to excellence. With a history spanning over half a century, the company has not only shaped the industry's landscape but has also played a pivotal role in advancing automation technology. Klaschka's diverse product range continues to be at the forefront of automation solutions, making it a trusted partner for industries seeking precision, reliability, and cutting-edge technology. As the world of automation continues to evolve, Klaschka remains a name synonymous with quality and innovation, ready to meet the challenges of the future.


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