Cat Eyes

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Jo-Ann Loro

Thanks Kim...

Kim Bruce

Cool shot Jo-Ann ~ love the effect! :)

Jo-Ann Loro

Thanks Gary. Scenes definitely don't last, especially with a camera pointed in their direction!


Great shot! I am a cat owner and know how quick the scenes can come and go..LOL

Portrait of a friend's cat who posed for the shot for approx. half a second, as cats don't stay still for too long. I converted the image to a black and white, keeping the eyes colour and enhancing them for effect.
Taken By
Jo-Ann Loro
Taken On
March 23, 2012
cat eyes green black and white animal feline portrait
  • Focal: 30.5
  • Shutter speed: 0.05 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 4.5
  • ISO: 3200

Other Photos by Jo-Ann