18 hours ago
Stunning shot Yves. The butterfly perfectly lighted and posed atop the flower. The bokeh is a wonderful contrast to the sharp focus of the butterfly.
18 hours ago
Thank you for the very nice comments Debra. This one is quite to my satisfaction.
2 days ago
What a great shot Yves! The excellent bokeh brings the focus to the subject and the composition of the overall image is perfect. Well done
2 days ago
Thanks Clifford. Tell you, I love that image. I didn't figure that out but the bright yellow between the butterfly and the flower append to be just at the right place.
2 days ago
I love the transparent wings, and the blurred background, giving the subject more weight. Also, your subject isn't in the middle of the photo, which makes it more dynamic, I think. However, your butterfly is a Viceroy, not a Monarch. The Monarch doesn't have a black line through the hind wing.
2 days ago
Thanks Jane. So glad you like the image so much.. Sory about mistaken the viceroy for the monarch once more. My 75 years old might be responsible for that