Gold in the snow

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Debra Plett

Wow that is simply stunning and the little bird is giving you a perfect pose.

Jane LeBlanc

Thanks, Debra. Nice to stand inside the window and shoot out into the cold!!

Debra Plett

Great clarity and detail for through the window Jane.

Clifford Dupuis

what a stunning shot and i like the catch light

Jane LeBlanc

Thanks, Clifford.

Yves Langlois

Beautyful portrait of goldfinch. He look like he wander if a shovell will be needed to get to the grains.. Nice catch Jane.

Jane LeBlanc

Thanks, Yves.

We had a big dump of snow overnight, so the bird feeder was hopping this morning. I liked the little Goldfinch against the white snow.
Taken By
Jane LeBlanc
Taken On
January 20, 2025
bird finch winter feeder animal canary beak yellow vertebrate wing feather wildlife american_goldfinch finches songbirds
  • Focal: 500
  • Shutter speed: 0.0015625 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 6.3

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