Common Merganser

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Over the last year. A beaver has built a substantial lodge, along the Speed River here in Hespeler. In doing so, it as created a perfect environment for many of the fish eating ducks, and mink which inhabit the river. Today on new years eve, I counted twenty five Common Mergansers taking advantage of the many fish who now use the area around the beaver lodge for shelter.
Taken By
Scott Young
Taken On
December 31, 2024
common merganser mergansers duck ducks birds bird pond river speed hespeler prey fish ontario canada cangeo animal cormorant waterfowl beak typical_mergansers red-breasted_merganser vertebrate common_merganser fluid liquid wildlife
  • Focal: 600
  • Lens Model: TAMRON SP 150-600mm F/5-6.3 Di VC USD G2 A022
  • Shutter speed: 0.00125 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 8

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