4 months ago
The tall grasses add an element of mystery and magic to a remarkable portrait of this handsome young buck. A beautiful image in every detail, Debra!
4 months ago
Thank you very much Heather. I love these tall grasses and have been hoping for a deer to wander through. At first I was wishing I had a bit of a different angle so the grass didn’t run through the face but the mystery really draws me to this 8mage.
4 months ago
So beautyfull Debra. To my eye this is a real piece of art for the colours and compo.. Few elements but so contrasting. The buck stands perfectly in front of the lighted dead grasses.. One to put proudly on the wall.
4 months ago
You are very kind Yves, thanks very much for the wonderful comment. There was something about the deer partially hidden in the grasses that really appealed to me.
4 months ago
I had noticed the 3 long grasses running on his face but did not mention it first. To me this is a very important element to create the mood of theat photo. Hve you made it on purpose?
4 months ago
I love these tall grasses especially on a windy day and if the light is right. I have been hoping to see in adee in the grass unfortunately 5his one was just a little guy. I would have preferred to have no grass through the face but that being said there is s9mething that really drew me to liking the final result. Thanx for mentioning the threat mood Yves I did think that possibly he was hiding while watch in on.