2- Flip it over

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Heather Mellon

Terrific capture, Yves. Not an easy angle to shoot from but in this series it worked perfectly. Like you and Debra I only do hand held because my tripod is much to big and heavy to lug around. I keep promising myself that I will try using it for the northern lights next time but I'll have to find it first.

Yves Langlois

Thanks for the comments Heather. Don't get me wrong. On a specific assigment (like moon with landscape) or some planned macro shot It really help and I will use it because I can park the car near the planned site, do the shots and put back the tripod in the car.

Debra Plett

Cool sequence of action shots Yves. This one is my favorite where he has to reposition the bug to be able to swallow it. Do you use a tripod for shots like this or do you handhold.

Yves Langlois

This is my favorite too because it's a surprise, a gift from Mother Nature. A timeslice like that one append too fast. By the time you see it it's too late to capture the shot. Within that minute I must have shot 20 to 30 photo in a frenzy. Then I discovered that nice one. My philosophy about photography rely on the handhold. I have an old tripod from the 80ies but never use it. A 3 hour walk with a tripod would scap my pleasure of beeing in nature. Even my moon shots where made handhold.

Debra Plett

Thanks for the reply Yves. I agree with you a tripod is not very easy to carry around and by the time you have it set up the shot is lost. Very nice work Yves.

The grasshopper this eastern kingbird just caught was probably not in a good position to be swallow. So the guy swinged it in the air to correct the position. (taken jul 2024)
Taken By
Yves Langlois
Taken On
November 10, 2024
kingbird animal bird jay sky beak
  • Focal: 800
  • Lens Model: FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS + 2X Teleconverter
  • Shutter speed: 0.000625 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 11

Other Photos by Yves