Belted Kingfisher

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Dennis Smith

They are so hard to capture. Good work.

Scott Young

Thanks Dennis. Your so right on that. Catching these guys is a challenge. I hope this new perch stays put for awhile, they are loving it. As I am as well.

Clifford Dupuis

What a great shot Scott

Having been such a wet summer in southern Ontario. The water levels on the Speed River have been some of the highest I have seen. As a result, it has created a new log jam. This Belted Kingfisher, along with at least three of its companions, have adopted it as a new perch. From which they dive, in their never ending quest for fish.
Taken By
Scott Young
Taken On
August 15, 2024
belted kingfisher kingfishers fisheater speed river perch fish ontario canada hespeler waterloo cambridge cangeo animal beak bird jay feather
  • Focal: 600
  • Lens Model: TAMRON SP 150-600mm F/5-6.3 Di VC USD G2 A022
  • Shutter speed: 0.0025 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 8

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