Hummer and milkweed

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Clifford Dupuis

beautiful action shot of this butterfly, well done Jane

Jane LeBlanc

Thanks, Clifford.

Debra Plett

Fantastic shot Jane.

Jane LeBlanc

Thanks, Debra.

Yves Langlois

Lovely shot Jane. Glad to know that they can get the nectac out of that flower. It may not be usual but like we say - When there's a need there's a way.

Jane LeBlanc

Thanks, Yves.

Monarchs aren't the only ones enjoying my milkweed. This Ruby throated Hummingbird was nectaring at them as well.
Taken By
Jane LeBlanc
Taken On
July 22, 2024
bird hummingbird animal beak plant pollinator organism flower twig
  • Focal: 400
  • Shutter speed: 0.000625 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 6.3

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