Rings fur coat $6500

1197 2


Clifford Dupuis

Great shot Yves, so much detail and colour

Yves Langlois

Thank you Clifford

Yves Langlois

Thank you Clifford

Heather Mellon

I like the title on this one.. and how the crushed rock provides the perfect contrast for this colorful caterpillar. You captured both the tones and detail in this scene beautifully Yves.

Yves Langlois

Thanks Heather. Years ago shooting a beautyful subject on gravel road or crushed stoned was discouraging. I could not see the beatyness it can brings to the subject. Now I know. Any subject has its own beauty. and the chalenge is to show it to the universe.

Jane LeBlanc

I agree with Debra. Great shot, Yves. Sometimes people don't look for the little things in life that are so interesting.

Yves Langlois

Thanks Jane. Placing those little things under the big spots is certainly one of my pleasure.

Debra Plett

Great close up and focus showing lots of detail in this furry caterpillar. Some of the white rocks in the foreground have nice sparkle to them, nice dof Yves. You certainly have mastered these close up shots.

Yves Langlois

Thank you for the nice comments Debra. This is regular small crushed stoned you find on roads or driveway. But on a close up shot the look is different and there is always a rock or two that bring some interest. It's been a 4 years of experiencing and analysing but I am quite good at it now.

Yves Langlois

Thank you for the nice comments Debra. This is regular small crushed stoned you find on roads or driveway. But on a close up shot the look is different and there is always a rock or two that bring some interest. It's been a 4 years of experiencing and analysing but I am quite good at it now.

One of the many surprises of the last summer.
Taken By
Yves Langlois
Taken On
January 30, 2024
caterpilar rock rubble road soil animal insect arthropod pollinator moths_and_butterflies
  • Focal: 400
  • Lens Model: FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS
  • Shutter speed: 0.00125 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 16

Other Photos by Yves