Winter Jay

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Amanda Sheppard

I absolutely love Jays, so beautiful!

Heather Mellon

I love them too Amanda.. thank you for your comment.

Clifford Dupuis

Always nice to see a great pic of these awesome birds and this one you have captured on your camera is spot on...well done

Heather Mellon

Thank you so much Clifford, always appreciated. I find blue jays very expressive and really enjoy photographing them.

Debra Plett

Very nicely captured Heather. I love the angle of the Jay and the beautiful colours in this image. The tree branch that the jay sits on really adds a lot of interest into the composition. Have a wonderful holiday season Heather and all the best in 2024.

Heather Mellon

Thank you so much Debra. I thought the jay lined things up nicely for me, lol. Thank you for the good wishes.. and sending the same back to you for a lovely holiday and a great year to come. Merry Christmas!

Yves Langlois

Wow! great colours and details Heather. Like that he's taking a good place in the frame. Love the background tapestry that accompany him.

Heather Mellon

Thank you very much Yves. It's one of the few trees that doesn't lose all of its leaves so it comes in handy for shot like this.

One of the blue jays who visit my feeders in winter. These jays spend the summer in the bush and tend to be flighty so it was a treat to catch this one taking a time out from his busy day.
Taken By
Heather Mellon
Taken On
December 24, 2023
blue jay winter bird animal blue_jay bluebird branch twig beak tree
  • Focal: 165
  • Shutter speed: 0.002 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5

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