October Swans In Flight

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Yves Langlois

Agree with Debra all the way. They are very nice and that soft blue sky sits them so well. Some shots need a little more investment but it is part of the passionate game. So Bon Voyage big birds and come back later.

Heather Mellon

Thank you so much Yves. What you stated is very true, it's one of the challenges that come with this pursuit and makes it so interesting too. Fortunately there will be swans around until freeze up so there will be more opportunities yet to come.

Debra Plett

Wow, you nailed the focus on this image Heather. And you captured them in a nice flight pattern as well. I can imagine how difficult that trek must have been, but definitely rewarding. Glad you were able to say farewell.

Heather Mellon

Thank you very much Debra. I was happy to get some flight shots that day anyway.. and they're always worth the effort in spite of it all :) Although you can't really see it here the swan at the bottom has quite a pronounced curve at the base of its neck that is hidden by the other swans wing tip. Fortunately it doesn't seem to slow it down.

As I left the lake this little group of trumpeter swans took flight. The swans are gathering in growing numbers on some of the lakes as they prepare for their autumn migration journey. I trudged almost half way around the lake hoping to get a decent view of the groups that had gathered there but there was no break in the trees that border the water very closely and the terrain is rough there. It was one of those chilly windy autumn days that make a person wonder why they do this anyway. I felt pretty fortunate to get a few flight shots..
Taken By
Heather Mellon
Taken On
October 10, 2023
trumpeter swans in flight animal bird flying sky
  • Focal: 270
  • Shutter speed: 0.002 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 7.1

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