Reaching For The Sky

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Clifford Dupuis

I always enjoy these shots Heather and yours is exceptionally well done.

Heather Mellon

Thank you Clifford. They're fun shots to take and especially with such a nice stand of trees as these ones are.

Debra Plett

I love this type of capture especially with the autumn colours against the blue sky. The trees sure do look massive and strong the way you have captured them. Nicely done Heather.

Heather Mellon

Thank you Debra. There are some really beautiful groups of trees in this park and this is one of my favorites since they stand in kind of a circle. Perfect for photos like this.

Heather Mellon

Thank you Yves. I like your description of this one and indeed it is a tapestry created by nature the way I see it. I think the darker trees were in the shade since the photo was taken later in the day at Hilltop Lake in the Saddle Hills.

Scott Reeve

Wonderful capture. As if an inkblot is put before us using the tree leaves and blue sky. Now do you lay on the ground or just put the camera on the ground?

Heather Mellon

Thank you Scott. These are really tall trees so I didn't have to get down to ground level to get the photo. But you've given me an idea to try doing just that.. and now I'm curious to see if it would make a difference or not.

Yves Langlois

Very nice Heather. Fall is the good time for those upward shots through the trees. The vanishing point is perfect. I see it as a kind of tapestry with yellow and blue pattern. Appreciate the white trees on the right opposed to the black ones on the left. I love that shot.

A stand of tall poplar trees reach for the sky at Hilltop Lake in the Saddle Hills, Alberta.
Taken By
Heather Mellon
Taken On
October 3, 2023
reaching for the sky poplar trees in their autumn colours plant tree tree_trunk leaf birch flower people_in_nature twig trunk deciduous
  • Focal: 18
  • Shutter speed: 0.004 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 8

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