Tennessee Warbler

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Heather Mellon

Really nice composition and detail in this shot. The Warbler shows very well here among the contrasting colored blossoms and soft background tones. What a beautiful capture Yves.

Yves Langlois

Thank you Heather. Someting special in the air this year? The new A7R4 camera? but I've done only 3 safary so far and encounter a lot of new bird never seen before (like that one). It is very exciting.

Clifford Dupuis

this is such a well composed shot with so much care taken by you to maximize the beauty of this bird. Great shot.

Yves Langlois

Thank you Clifford. It was an exciting moment for me.

Debra Plett

You captured the Warbler at the perfect angle to showcase the beauty of this bird. Framed by springs flowering trees and nice lighting you have a beautiful capture Yves.

Yves Langlois

Thanks Debra. I was quite excited because for me it is a rare bird. If you look the bokeh on the top right you will see some kind of vertical black stripes. This is the problem I have to solve actualy.

Debra Plett

I am not sure what is causing that Yves. There is a Sony Alfa wildlife shooters Facebook group that may be able to shed some light on the issue .

Yves Langlois

Thank you Debra. I'll see

Nature is actualy full of blooming trees. Excellent for bird photography.
Taken By
Yves Langlois
Taken On
May 25, 2023
warbler bloom animal bird finch flower plant
  • Focal: 800
  • Lens Model: FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS + 2X Teleconverter
  • Shutter speed: 0.0008 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 11

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