Where To Now Mom..

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Heather Mellon

Thank you so much Debra. This was so unexpected and you're right, something had caught their attention which was probably a good thing, maybe another moose nearby. It was certainly an exciting and memorable encounter for me. They were such a beautiful sight to see.

Clifford Dupuis

You were very lucky to get this amazing family shot. Well done

Heather Mellon

Thank you so much Clifford. It was a very lucky encounter and only the second chance I've ever had to photograph a cow moose with twin calves. On the first encounter I was able to get close to them and take my time unlike this one.

Clifford Dupuis

Well good for you this image is very nicely composed. Im sure you were most excited

Debra Plett

Wow what a great opportunity and possibly a little scary. Something to the right seems to have caught their attention. Very nice shot of the family and the surrounding landscape. Nicely captured Heather.

I was on foot when I caught sight of this cow moose and her twin calves taking a pause in their journey across the snow. At first they appeared to be heading my way so I was prepared to get out of their way quickly but they had just changed direction toward the trees when I caught them in this frame.
Taken By
Heather Mellon
Taken On
February 4, 2023
#sharecangeo #wildlife #moose #explorecanada cow moose with twin calves animal mammal wildlife dog pet canine
  • Focal: 250
  • Shutter speed: 0.002 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 8

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