You Looking At Me?

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shelley jacques

Love it, Great shot Jenny.

Jenny Stevens

Thank you so much Shelley

Debra Plett

Wonderful shot Jenny great timing capturing the character of this guy.

Jenny Stevens

He was a cutie. Little fur balls at that age and time of year.

Clifford Dupuis

what a super expression and the detail is amazing. Happy New Year

Jenny Stevens

And a Happy New Year to you Clifford. I do thank you.

Jane LeBlanc

Beautiful detail and colours, Jenny. Reminds me of how dogs cock their heads when you talk to them sometimes. Great capture.

Jenny Stevens

Yes, my last dog did it all the time like she was trying to understand what I was saying. Thank you

First Year Grizzly Cub is most interesting in us. No fear, just curiosity. I love making eye contact with anything wild.
Taken By
Jenny Stevens
Taken On
December 29, 2022
are you lookin at me bear wildlife mammal animal
  • Focal: 500
  • Lens Model: 500.0 mm f/5.6
  • Shutter speed: 0.0005 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5.6

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