Mom and Cub Dining Out

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Jane LeBlanc

I love the depth of field, light, and composition. Great looks at the expression on the faces. Great job, Jenny.

Jenny Stevens

Thank you Jane. Appreciated.

Debra Plett

Terrific shot Jenny. Hopefully no other bears try to mess with her cubs.

Jenny Stevens

It can be tense at times as there are so many bears due to the salmon. So far she is holding her own. Thank you.

Mom Grizzly has one of her triplets with her and it watching the other two. This is a never ending job for a Mom Grizzly. There are so many other bears around due to the abundance of Sockeye Salmon
Taken By
Jenny Stevens
Taken On
December 6, 2022
mom cub river bear animal mammal wildlife brown_bear
  • Focal: 500
  • Shutter speed: 0.0005 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5.6

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