Evening Grosbeak

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nieces' birds to get i have some pine Grosbeaks coming in now my Evening are now moved on

Debra Plett

Great shot Jane, perfect lighting and agree with Clifford the catch light is beautiful.

Jane LeBlanc

Thanks, Debra.

Clifford Dupuis

Very nice shot Jane, the catch light is awesome in the eye

Jane LeBlanc

Thanks, Clifford.

The Evening Grosbeaks have arrived for the winter. When other birds chase them from the feeder, they will eat the berries of the sumac tree in my yard.
Taken By
Jane LeBlanc
Taken On
December 2, 2022
bird finch sumac animal beak
  • Focal: 400
  • Shutter speed: 0.001 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 6.3

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