Autumn Swans

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Yves Langlois

Like very much that one Heather. Colour tones are beautyful and very moody. You did not forget to put some leaves in the foreground (to enhence the depth) and you managed to place the swans clear in the foliage. Great job on that very nice capture.

Heather Mellon

Thank you Yves, I'm glad you like the leaves, which I was trying to avoid but I can see it differently now thanks to your comment. I thought I posted a reply earlier but can't see it now. Strange..

Debra Plett

Very pretty capture Heather, I like how the leaves frame the two swans on the left. Great shooting while balancing on your toes well worth the effort.

Heather Mellon

Thank you Debra. It was quite the balancing act and I'm glad I didn't fall into the lake, it's a steep climb out of there. Not sure what happened to my first reply on this.. maybe my connection was too weak.

Clifford Dupuis

well worth the efforts Heather, they are always so awesome to find. Nicely captured

Heather Mellon

Thank you so much Clifford, your comments are always appreciated. I so agree with you that it's always worth the effort.. I stood on my toes to get this shot which I really wanted because the swan the middle was vocalizing at the time.

The Trumpeter Swans have been elusive this year having moved from one lake to another and choosing mostly to feed and rest on the far side of the lakes I found them on. I was more than happy to have gotten a few shots of this little group through a heavily treed area with a limited view.
Taken By
Heather Mellon
Taken On
October 31, 2022
trumpeter swans migrating bird animal swan
  • Focal: 270
  • Shutter speed: 0.002 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5.6

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