A Quiet Moment

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Debra Plett

He looks very comfortable and at peace, giving a bit of a bashful pose to you. Very nice Jenny.

Jenny Stevens

Thank you so much Debra.

Yves Langlois

Gorgeous shot at your lovable big bears Jenny. The pose and attitude of the bear make it a very emotional picture. Crisp details of the bear's fur, nice patch of green in the back and sparkling bubbles on the water make it a very beautyful image. Like it very much.

Jane LeBlanc

Lovely, Jenny. It really has a peaceful feel to the photo. The fact that he is not looking at you adds to the feeling of the photo. Great composition as always.

Clifford Dupuis

Excellent shot, the bear is certainly not interested in your whereabouts as you have captured him showing such intensity on something else. Great detail and use of DOF to highlight the subject

Grizzly Bear taking a moment of rest in the water under some shade trees. He was not bothered by our intrusion.
Taken By
Jenny Stevens
Taken On
September 29, 2022
griz pond
  • Focal: 700
  • Lens Model: 500.0 mm f/5.6
  • Shutter speed: 0.0004 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 8

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