Roses and Dew Drops

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you have some good ones grate colors in them

Heather Mellon

Thank you Jeff. Always appreciated. This is one of the prettiest colored roses I have in the yard. They're all beautiful but this one really shines.

Debra Plett

Beautifully composited and captured Heather. Stunning image, I love the soft fireweed in the background supporting the rose and foreground leaves.

Heather Mellon

Thanks so much Debra. It's definitely a favorite rose of mine and I took a number of photos of it this summer since it's a steady bloomer. Everything came together nicely for this one and morning is always the best time to photograph roses I've found.

Yves Langlois

Your description says it all Heather. This rose was doing its best to attrack your eye and you made her a star. Life is beautyful. Appreciate the tight frame compo and the slightly different color tone (more pink) of the one rose in the back. Probabily due to a different angle of light. Keep it in sight for the long winter.

Heather Mellon

Thanks so much Yves. Oh this is my star rose, I have a few, and it's quite the bloomer. You're right about how the light affected the tones of the two blossoms because they're identical in colour and it's interesting that the eye doesn't always pick up on that but the camera does. Yes I think I'm going to put this one up on a wall to enjoy through the winter.

Clifford Dupuis

What a great pic Heather. It is always welcome when nature adds a wee bit of additional beauty. The DOF is excellent with the fireweed and the dew drops are an awesome finishing touch.

Heather Mellon

Thank you Clifford, always appreciated. I planted the rose bush but the fireweed was volunteer and I'm not sure where it came from but it adds a unique and really beautiful touch of colour to the yard and the bees love it.

The fireweed in the background provides good bokeh for a rose blossom. It was early morning so the dew drops were a bonus.
Taken By
Heather Mellon
Taken On
September 27, 2022
rose blooming in a fireweed patch
  • Focal: 62
  • Shutter speed: 0.004 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5

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