Lovable at first sight

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I have seen some of them here as wall good colors on them

Yves Langlois

Many thanks for the comment

Debra Plett

Great shot Yves, I can imagine the challenge. I too like Clifford like the pose you captured him in giving that flicker of catch light in the eye. the colours, texture and details are beautiful.

Yves Langlois

Thank you Debra. Few years ago, a professional photographer told me that flicker is a must for your photo to be just considered n a contest. But of course with nature, things don't go the way we expect.

Heather Mellon

I love his bandit like facial markings and you caught him in a terrific pose. Very nice composition, tones and detail here, Yves, so well captured. They're not a very common bird in our area and I've never seen one myself. Nice to see one here though :)

Yves Langlois

Thank you for the nice comments Heather. But you have around you birds I dream of shooting.

Jane LeBlanc

So true....hard to photograph the little devils!! Great job!

Yves Langlois

Thank you Jane. You would not believe how many shots I have taken of that bird so far. I will never cease because every time, just before I click, I feel the thrill of a perfect shot. Then there is an after the click which is another story. But the thrill is dam good even if the shot is not.

Clifford Dupuis

Very nice colours and detail. I particularly like the catch light in the eye and your choice of aperture to create a great DOF to showcase this bird to the fullest.

Yves Langlois

Thank you very much Clifford.

Usual to see the common yellowthroat in the wild but quite a chalenge to get a good shot at them. Often in the shadow or hiding behind leaves and they don't pose for more then few milliseconds.
Taken By
Yves Langlois
Taken On
September 17, 2022
common yellowthraot bird animal finch
  • Focal: 400
  • Lens Model: 70-400mm F4-5.6 G SSM
  • Shutter speed: 0.0008 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 7.1

Other Photos by Yves