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you got a grate shot with that one

Clifford Dupuis

Great capture to show the immense activity of these birds as they prepare for their journey. What an opportunity you had to experience this awesome part of nature.

Heather Mellon

A remarkable capture Jane, incredible detail and so beautiful.

Yves Langlois

An impressive artistic shot Jane. Most foreground birds are detailed so sharp that the view with the zoom option is an amazing voyage. Like also the fading in the details and color when going to the background. Glad you have those nice opportunities and you shares them with us. Like I use to say - good for a cover page.

Jane LeBlanc

Thank you, Yves. It is an amazing sight to see.

Jane LeBlanc

The sound when they all went up together was awesome!! The sight, too...almost too much to take in.

The Nature Conservancy of Canada makes sure over zealous photographers don't get too close and disturb the shorebirds as they feed and rest at Johnson's Mills, New Brunswick, before heading non-stop to South America on their southern migration.
Taken By
Jane LeBlanc
Taken On
August 13, 2022
shorebirds flock animal
  • Focal: 400
  • Shutter speed: 0.000625 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 6.3

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