Little Yellow

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Debra Plett

One of those shots that makes you smile, the little bird is adorable. What a wonderful shot Heather the composition, pose, focus and colours are perfect.

Heather Mellon

Thank you Debra. He's right up there on the cuteness scale isn't he and the first one I gotten such a nice view of too

Yves Langlois

Great compo and color Heather. Like the original pose of tweety bird with its round fluffed belly. Yellow and blue goes so well together. And the bared branches adds up an interesting look.

Heather Mellon

Thank you Yves... gee, I wish I had thought of tweety bird when I was naming the photo, this little guy is a pretty good match isn't he.

Heather Mellon

Thank you Clifford. It was a stroke of good luck that he happened to be perched in the open giving me a clear shot, the juveniles usually rest and preen where they're surrounded by foliage and hard to focus in on of course.

Clifford Dupuis

What a great find and an awesome pic of this little one. Such nice detail and color.

A juvenile yellow warbler preens its downy feathers up high in the branches of a maple tree.
Taken By
Heather Mellon
Taken On
August 12, 2022
juvenile yellow warbler preening bird animal
  • Focal: 500
  • Shutter speed: 0.002 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 8

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