Sleepy Head !

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Debra Plett

This capture makes him look so gentle amongst the soft colours of the sky and the grass.

Jenny Stevens

Hi Debra: He was higher than we were in the water. His grassy knoll made a great opportunity to get the background mountains. Thank you

Jane LeBlanc

Sunny days make me feel exactly the same! Beautiful colours, Jenny.

Jenny Stevens

Yes, it was a gorgeous moment. That Grizzly was out for the count.

Clifford Dupuis

Another great shot with that awesome DOF, colours, and details. Congrats also on the other similar shot selected for photo of the week

Jenny Stevens

Thank you so much Clifford. I do appreciate your time.

Young male Grizzly sound asleep on a grassy knoll enjoying the sun's rays. He would like his head up now and then... back to sleep.
Taken By
Jenny Stevens
Taken On
August 1, 2022
sleepy head
  • Focal: 500
  • Lens Model: 500.0 mm f/5.6
  • Shutter speed: 0.0015625 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5.6

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