Late Evening Fishing

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Clifford Dupuis

What a stellar shot. Awesome composition and the highlight on the GB Heron are outstanding. Lighting was most definitely on your side.


good one of him in the grass the green and blue just a littal orang nice

Heather Mellon

Love the stark simplicity of this one. A very striking subject and contrasts in its surroundings really make this handsome Heron stand out. Great hand held shot Harold!

Harold Fleming

He stood out quite nice in that late evening light, Heather.

Debra Plett

The heron shows up nicely against the dark background and I like all the texture that the grass adds.

Harold Fleming

I looked out my kitchen window and was surprised to see the Heron this late in the evening.

Aaron Todd

Debra’s comment is bang on.

Harold Fleming

I shot this at 3200 ISO handheld and took seven shots hoping I would get a clean one. I did. The others were all blurry.

Yves Langlois

Minimalist with great colors. Like it very much.

Harold Fleming

The time of night helped to knock the colours down in the background, Yves. I prefer not to shoot over 3200 ISO unless it's a picture I want to save for a record so I'm lucky I got this shot in the evening.

A Great Blue Heron wades along the shore of the Chown River on Haida Gwaii
Taken By
Harold Fleming
Taken On
September 15, 2021
bird heron wildlife birds animal waterfowl ardeidae
  • Focal: 300
  • Lens Model: EF70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM
  • Shutter speed: 0.00625 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5.6

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