Taking a Detour

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i like the difrent sise of the looking at you and all the groth coloer

Heather Mellon

Great shot of this beautiful pair Harold. They look pretty much at home on the turf you share judging by the relaxed looks on their faces. What a treat to be able to see them pass through without any fear. And get shots like this!

Harold Fleming

Great looking pair, Heather! I expect this young one will stay with the mother until early spring.

Debra Plett

Lovely shot Harold, always nice to see the Doe with the young ones. I agree with Yves your property looks like a beautiful place for man and wildlife to mingle.

Harold Fleming

The young one was out near the creek for two days by herself so I thought maybe they had split but the two of them were out together today. My property is a mixture of man and nature taking its course. I guess that's why we both get along on it.

Yves Langlois

Like very much that pose that shows them so alike. It is like they where walking to the river, calm in no hurray, and they stopped for the moment of the photo. You are very lucky to have that in your backyard.

Harold Fleming

They definitely give the impression of being family, Yves. I had quite a few deer come through my yard this summer and they didn't do too much damage so I'm okay with that.

This mother Blacktail Doe and her young one took a detour from a slough on one side of my property through my yard to the river on the other side.
Taken By
Harold Fleming
Taken On
September 15, 2021
animal deer doe yearling animals kangaroo wallaby mammal wildlife
  • Focal: 300
  • Lens Model: EF70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM
  • Shutter speed: 0.0008 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5.6

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