Raven Cawling

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Aaron Todd

I agree with the comments. There is so much detail in the feathers of ravens/crows but you have to nail the camera settings to bring it out. Well done here, Harold.

Harold Fleming

There a great bird to practice exposure, Aaron. Lighting is very important though. Thanks!

Heather Mellon

I can almost hear him.. having three resident ravens nearby it's not hard to do that, lol. Love the lighting, composition and action you've captured here.

Harold Fleming

That's the way I feel, Heather. With his beak open I can almost hear him calling.

Yves Langlois

Great shot at the raven Harold. Not so easy to get that much colors and details of that pitch black bird. Nice pose with the opened beak. Light and shadow is just fine to enhence the subject.

Harold Fleming

It often takes me a couple of shots to get the exposure right on these Ravens, Yves.

Debra Plett

Really nice lighting and you timed the shot perfectly Harold. Nice to see the raven in action nestled amongst the branches.

Harold Fleming

Thanks, Debra! I really enjoy shooting Ravens or just being around them.

Wally Lutz

Nice capture

Harold Fleming

Thanks a lot, Wally! I appreciate your comment.

A Raven sitting in a hemlock tree was calling to his mate.
Taken By
Harold Fleming
Taken On
September 12, 2021
bird wildlife common raven birds animal vegetation plant
  • Focal: 300
  • Lens Model: EF70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM
  • Shutter speed: 0.01 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 5.6

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