I'll Weasel My Way Into This One

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Jane LeBlanc

I agree with everyone. Great spotting to see it in the first place!

Harold Fleming

It was well camouflaged Jane! I just happened to look over a railing at that spot and he was below me.

Harold Fleming

I shot this photo from above the weasel, Yves, so I had to rotate and crop the photo to get more of a horizontal look rather than a face down look to the photo. Thanks!


good shot grat detaling

Harold Fleming

Thanks a lot, Jeff!

Debra Plett

Great shot Harold. I like all the texture and the foreground blue colour. Agree with Yves the Weasel shows nicely in front of the white. Nice that he appears to be enjoying the meal.

Harold Fleming

The rock in front helps to show the weasel and the kelp on and around the rock helps to hide it, Debra. They kind of balance themselves. Luckily the fish shows the head well.

Yves Langlois

Like very much that shot Harold. The surrounding shoreline plants makes a nice camouflage to the little monster. The angle of shooting is done so the white meat fish keeps my eye on the head of the weasel. Great shot.

This weasel was found at the shoreline of the harbour in Cow Bay, Prince Rupert finishing the few scraps of meat that might have been left on a fish.
Taken By
Harold Fleming
Taken On
August 2, 2021
animal wildlife weasel animals
  • Focal: 300
  • Lens Model: EF70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM
  • Shutter speed: 0.0008 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 6.3

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