Canola Fields in Bloom

291 3



THat is some thing so rich grat detalling pright dark good mix


I can not oppen you clowdes that is some shot

Clifford Dupuis

Thank you Jeff glad you like it

Debra Plett

Great shot of the canola fields Clifford. I love how the low. clouds and the canola field meet giving the image a lot of depth and mood.

Clifford Dupuis

Thank you so much Debra, these fields are always so awesome for photographers

Harold Fleming

I love these shots of the canola fields, Clifford. You did a fine job here. The colours go very well together. Nice contrast in the clouds.

Clifford Dupuis

Thank you Harold, I appreciate your comments

Yves Langlois

Like very much the contrast between the bright yellow and the cloudy blue sky.

Clifford Dupuis

Thank you Yves, these fields are so colourful and amazing to capture

The fields of Canola on the Alberta prairie are in their majestic yellow bloom
Taken By
Clifford Dupuis
Taken On
July 12, 2021
canola rapeseed oil fields alberta summer summer_bloom field
  • Focal: 35
  • Shutter speed: 0.008 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 11

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