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that is something such detailing realy like it Bernie

Harold Fleming

You've given us a new perspective here, Bernie. I like your take on it.

Bernie Ewing

Thank you Harold. Even the too abundant dandelion makes a wonderful salad ingredient, a suitable base to start a batch of 'wine' and. . . bee food. The article I read said that one dandelion growing in the early spring can give rise to 5,000 offspring by the fall! That's a lot of salad, wine and bee food!

Debra Plett

Gorgeous capture Bernie, I have never seen dandelions looks so beautiful. You have put a whole new spin on the dandelion. Nice commentary as well.

Bernie Ewing

Thank you Debra - yes even the hated lawn pest dandelion can have an 'interesting?' side.

Clifford Dupuis

Nice capture, very interesting with sharp details

Bernie Ewing

Thank you Clifford - different view of a too common flower.

I discovered some new perspectives on dandelions this past week - one, they are among the first wild flowers to arrive in the spring, so they are a very important early food source for bees and other pollinators. So maybe we shouldn't be mowing them down so eagerly. In fact there is a movement amongst conservationists called "No Mow May" which aims to promote wildflower growth and habitat.
Taken By
Bernie Ewing
Taken On
May 24, 2021
seed dandelion parasols natural wild plant flower blossom
  • Focal: 90
  • Shutter speed: 0.0004 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 13

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