Marsh Wren

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Jenny Stevens

I think this shot tells the story of balance.... terrific timing again Allen.

Debra Plett

Wonderful capture Allen, love the soft colour tones and sharp focus on that animated wren.

Harold Fleming

Very nice photo, Allen! Great composition, colouring, focus and interesting pose!

Harold Fleming

Very nice photo, Allen! Great composition, colouring, focus and interesting pose!

Allen Woodliffe

For some reason this site did not place the location anywhere near accurately. It was photographed at a small wetland conservation area just outside of Rondeau Provincial Park, on the north side of Lake Erie, which is probably at least 200 km north east of where the pin shows.

Marsh Wrens are common in many wetlands, but are typically heard rather than seen. On occasion, one will appear clinging to a couple of leaves of cattail, giving this spread-legged appearance. They don't stick around for long, however, as once they have investigated the intruder, they quickly go back into the thick of the cattails.
Taken By
Allen Woodliffe
Taken On
April 2, 2021
marsh wren wetland species cattail bird animal
  • Focal: 700
  • Shutter speed: 0.001 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 8

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