The Proton Arc and I

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Last night was another amazing night under the stars. I started off with heading out hoping to see the aurora but once I setup it was crazy. My phone was going off with messages from either people out or people who were about to head out. It kept getting better and better and then I looked to the east and was amazed. This proton arc was so bright and lined nicely with the Milky Way and Andromeda. So many images to go through from the night and then back out photographing again tomorrow night. :D Thank you for viewing and feel free to share. Single exposure image captured in South River, Ontario, Canada. Sony a7s - Tokina 11-16mm - 16mm @ f/2.8 - ISO 8000 - 10 seconds For more information on any of my workshops coming up be sure to check out my website or email me for more information. ©2016 - Wesley Liikane - Cowboy with a Camera
Taken By
Wesley Liikane
Taken On
September 1, 2016
aurora borealis
  • Shutter speed: 10 sec
  • ISO: 8000

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