Milky Way over the Bog

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Finally getting around to editing some more images from early summer in Algonquin Provincial Park. Scouting new locations can always be tricky so sometimes it is best just to explore and try something different. During this night I remember heading out with the only goal of capturing something with the Milky Way as the night was beautifully clear. With no idea were exactly to go I met up with some friends and we just went exploring. We got to photograph at many different areas which lead to some awesome images. Thank you for viewing and feel free to share. 4 shot multi image pano captured in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada Foreground: Sony a7s - Rokinon 24mm t1.5 @ f/2 - ISO 25600 - 60 seconds x4 Sky: Sony a7s - Rokinon 24mm t1.5 @ f/2 - ISO 25600 - 20 seconds x4 Processed with Lr - Nik and blended with PsCC For more information on any of my workshops coming up be sure to check out my website or email me for more information. ©2016 - Wesley Liikane - Cowboy with a Camera
Taken By
Wesley Liikane
Taken On
July 1, 2016
milky way night ontario canada
  • Shutter speed: 20 sec
  • ISO: 25600

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